Saturday, November 29, 2008

mumbai terror attacks...let the heads roll....

first thing which must happen after this dastardly attack on our national self respect is let some heads roll...the heads to roll are as follows
1.home minister- mr shivraj patil
2.home secretary
3.chief IB
4CHief RAW
5.Cabinet secretary
6.chief minister and home minister of maharashtra..

they got whole nation obsessed with the trivialities like sadhvi prgya singh who should have been dealt with like any other criminal.Meanwhile the enemies of india got time to regroup and plan ....and the result is for all of us to see.........

we will deal with ruling coalition  when the appropriate time of elections come...lest we forget what has happened to mumbai and india.The regime of sonia gandhi of authority and power without responsibility and accountability has to end..let us put an end to dynastic rule...i m not great supporter of BJP either...but india will find its leaders............

Let mr raj thakrey also face up to us....we will show him what it means to be an indian